Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Literate Surfer Seeking Spunky Students

My name is Mrs. S. and I can't wait to get to know all of you better. I’m writing to model the business letter format to my students, but – more importantly – to tell you a little about myself. It’s important to me that you know I am a human being with passions, goals and feelings, more than just the person designing the lessons we follow. That said, I’m sure you’ll notice my love for English as you read.

Beyond the walls of West, I am first and foremost a wife. My husband, Stanley, is my best friend. We are happiest together and even happier if we are risking our necks at some extreme sport. When we first met he taught me how to ride a mountain bike and I taught him how to swim. I know, that doesn’t seem very balanced, but now that he’s such a strong swimmer, we’ve been learning to surf together.
We spend the winter months on the slopes at Buffalo Ski Club where I’m a patrollerAll that activity gives me a good appetite. I like to cook, especially when I can use all the fresh veggies from my garden.

I like to think that my diverse interests reflect my teaching style. I think beyond the walls of the classroom. Sure, we’ll read books and write papers, but we’ll also use social networks to communicate with each other. We’ll spend a lot of time talking too, and you’ll get a lot of time to work on assignments during class. I think you’ll find that I have high expectations, but they are reasonable and fair. I work hard and I ask that you work hard in return. I am your English teacher, but I want you to know that English encompasses more than just reading, writing, listening and speaking. The study of English is about understanding our lives and our place in the world.

My own quest for answers led me to the English department at the University at Buffalo as an undergraduate. Reading gives me a glimpse into other worlds. While I spend a lot of time outdoors, I also cherish sitting down with a good book. I’ve started reading more nonfiction than I did when I was your age, but regardless of genre, it’s all about the story. I have a difficult time naming a favorite book, but I recently finished Spartina by John Casey and it evokes the life of an Atlantic fisherman so beautifully that I’m tempted to hop in my car and head for the New England coastline to set a few lobster pots. If you want to get me off task, all it takes is a good story. Seriously.

Spartina by John Casey
I’m a writer too. I’m most comfortable when analyzing something or constructing an argument, but if the moment requires it, I compose a poem to capture it. My writing also encompasses some of my professional goals. I strive to be an exemplary teacher, always reworking lessons and assignments in order to teach my students more effectively. I share what I write too. I’ve presented on numerous occasions at the state conference for English teachers and over this past summer I developed curriculum for Random House. In short, I practice what I teach.

I hope that as we get to know one another this year, you will find that your passions and English class are not mutually exclusive. I also hope your junior year is filled with learning and fun. 

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