Friday, February 1, 2013

Writing well is the best revenge

"Looking good is the best revenge" is rumored to be Ivana Trump's comment in response to her divorce from Donald Trump. I think we can say with some certainty that she has got him in that category, especially when it comes to hair, but you can decide that for yourself.

She also said, "don't get mad, get everything,"  and then promptly walked away with a very large divorce settlement so she seems to have this whole revenge thing down. 

If you are feeling like you would like to take revenge upon yours truly for all the writing we have been doing in English, perhaps blogging well is your best tactic. Since I did not have the opportunity to put together my own post, I figured I would sing your praises after the fact. Thanks to your great writing, that turned out to be quite a (happy) chore.

In honor of the upcoming Oscar's, I will be "awarding" kudos to students in various categories. If you are wondering what strong "voice" or "fluency" looks like, take a look at the links posted below.

Best original ideas

Likewise, Jack's blog "To Plot Revenge" is the complete package, interesting to look at, unique, full of asides that let me know he's completely self-aware, and sounding like no one else on the planet but himself.

In this original post about music, Hannah lets the songwriters' ideas take center stage. The organizational pattern of her blog also makes it easy to follow. 

Alex D chose to write an original post about revenge in literature.

Best voice

When Alex W writes, he sounds like ... Alex. This is a good thing when writing blogs, because it establishes a link between the writer and the reader. His post about vengeance is also full of original ideas.

Also a mistress of comedy, Chynna's voice stands out because it's completely unique. She's not afraid to take risks and in doing so let's the reader "in" to her writing.

Kristi has voice figured out too. Her blog is a deft blend of information, analysis and pure Kristi.

Best analysis

Haley found just the right balance between information and analysis of song lyrics. She is so persuasive that I'm inclined to agree: if Hamlet had been in possession of a good playlist, a whole lot of tragedy might have been averted. 

Isabella, too, knows how to make the most of her ideas. Her post makes for thought-provoking reading because it is filled with deep thinking about Quentin Tarantino's particular brand of revenge.

For her analysis of Spider Man, Taylor S gets an honorable mention in this category.

Best transitions

Quinn moves her reader from one subject to the next without seeming to break a sweat in her blog about Taylor Swift, no easy feat given how tricky these sentences can be.

Best fluency

How is it that some writers have a knack for grabbing your attention even when you aren't that interested in the topic? (Sorry, Taylor Swift fans, she just ain't my thing.) Arianna knows the secret of fluent writing. She grabs the reader's attention with a good lead and then keeps that focus making the subject interesting with her diction even making up her own words when the one million or so attributed to the English language fail her.

Krystin's writing isn't too shabby in this category either. Notice how she checks in with her reader every once in a while? She capitalizes on the flexibility of the genre, mixing information, analysis, and her own two cents in such a way that her reader never loses interest in what she's saying.

Best overall

Megan M's writing has got it all. Her blog, "Seeking Revenge," is visually appealing, full of original ideas, sounds just like her and reflects a deep analysis of her subject. 

Abby too, stakes her claim as a writer who knows her way around a blog in her blog, "Sweet Revenge." She finds the perfect balance between information and explanation, and employs a personal connection -- making it easy to connect to her!

Best title (our focus next time)

Ahead of the curve, Caitlin took the time to dream up a totally unique title ("Pretty Little Revenge Seekers") so her readers wouldn't have to choose between Revenge, Revenge and Revenge.

My sources:

And, of course, all of your blogs!